Despite the financial meltdown it went through between 2008 and 2011, Iceland maintains very good services for MS in all areas. That is also because Iceland has one of the highest concentrations of MS in Europe. Family occurrence suggests a genetic and environmental link.
Social welfare rights in Iceland come from citizenship and laws support employment and empowerment of people with MS. By law, they keep employment after being diagnosed and can request flexible working conditions. 50% are employed full-time.
The health system covers all disease-modifying drugs, treatment of symptoms is fully reimbursed and there is unlimited access to rehabilitation. MS centres serve as both care and community centers. They are financially supported by the state and can accommodate 40 people with MS every day. Iceland also has specialised palliative care.
EMSP’s MS Barometer offers additional country insights. It also shows that access to treatment, therapies and employment varies greatly across Europe (MS BAROMETER)
MS Society of Iceland - MS-félag Islands
Sléttuvegur 5, 103 Reykjavik - ICELAND
Tel : +354 568 8620 | Fax : +354 568 8621| E-mail : | Website :
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