Under Pressure pictures at European Parliament MS debate

The Under Pressure photo gallery was once again featured in the European Parliament in Brussels, on 10 November, during a debate titled "Multiple sclerosis can be defeated: let's join forces!"

EMSP's Deputy Chief Executive Christoph Thalheim inserted a number of UP pictures in his presentation calling for the creation of a European platform for patient-centered outcomes. 

Also a key speaker at the event, Prof. Patrick Vermersch, who is charing the Pan-European MS multi-stakeholder colloquium, relied on UP footage to get his messages across as well. 

Find more information on the event here.

The Under Pressure footage was first presented in the European Parliament (EP) through a photo panel exhibition organised in spring 2012, which helped build support for a successful Written Declaration on Taclking MS in Europe - adopted by the EP in autumn 2012. 
